
My darling Life and Beth cast gave me a memento of our time together: Boris, the flashing reindeer who has come with us to New York. Well, he was depressed that Connie had rejected him for the Duke of Wellington’s horse.

Boris arrived in New York a day earlier than expected due to some airline cancellation/skipping Washington DC shenanigans. Which turned out to be a blessing in disguise because our first morning saw really heavy snowfall in the city. Boris was very, very excited.


Boris came up 5th Ave with us and watched the skaters at Rockefeller plaza. He made a lot of friends there – American tourists seem to enjoy photographing lunatic Brits and their reindeer pals.


After all the excitement he had to have a little gallop around Central Park.


Boris shared Emma’s birthday fun.

He may have got a little excitable.


And thrown Kate Winslett overboard.

Well it’s hard to paint her like one of his French girls when all he has are hooves. Silly woman.

Thankfully there were bacon pancakes in the offing!


And Boris slipped into a food coma from which he is yet to recover…

4 thoughts on “The amazing American adventures of Boris the reindeer

  1. Well, it wouldn’t be the same without Boris, would it?

    Loving the commitment to the character, by the way. I can almost hear Boris clip-clopping his way through the park.

    Oh, and: hahahahahahahaha *breathes* aha ahahahahahahaha *wipes tears from eyes* hahahahahahahahah

  2. If I’d known he was going abroad, I would have got him inoculated! You do realise that he’s only a baby and mustn’t eat strange, foreign food. Why I am not there, sorting out his stabling???? xxxxx

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